Saturday, November 12, 2011

Living with Agoraphobia/Social Anxiety (I would rather die)?

People can be cruel and they will be cruel and that is the saddest thing of life. I've been bullied myself when I was close to your age.People will find something to bully about in order to make themselves feel better about themselves. People who bully are uncomfortable with themselves and that is why they bully. Everyone has imperfections. What truly counts is your heart and not the way you look. People who like someone only because they are pretty are shallow. One thing I learned is I learned to laugh with people, this confuses the heck out of them. If people see you down they will continue to push you down so don't let them. Walk with your head high. Is good that you are seeking help as that will help you to at least talk to someone about what you are going through instead of keeping everything inside.

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