Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Was My Boyfriend Lying To Me?

Today me and my boyfriend of 6 months were texting each other as usual. He was out at a pub with his family. Then he says to me that his charge is running low and could he text me when he gets back home (presumably after its charged) and i said yes of course. Then 2/3 hours later he texts me how i am and all that then I ask him what hes doing at the moment and he says still at the pub. That's when I get a little suspicious. Then I tell him, but I thought your charge was low and he didn't reply until 10 minutes later, saying no, it was finishing but it seems to be lasting now. Then he started getting stressy after a couple more texts saying that I was accusing him of lying. Maybe I was but I don't know. Do you think he was lying to me or could there be a possible explanation? Maybe im just overthinking things to much.

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