Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Is rafa marquez mexican?

He is Mexican but because he is so rich by playing in Barcelona and many rich people are held hostage by the Mexican drug war, he wants to be safe in the US

My Mother got a stone at a gallbladder and also suffering from diabetics & heart disease as well plz suggest?

Pain related to gallstones can produce the pain in the chest, back, and right upper abdomen. The treatment of symptomatic gallstones is removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy.) Cholecystectomy can be performed through and open incision or laprascopically. The recovery is quicker with laprascopic cholecystectomy. The procedure is generally tolerated well and it should resolve her symptoms. She should be evaluated for her risk of surgery since she has a history of diabetes and heart disease. Any general surgeon can perform a cholecystomy. If surgery cannot be performed then medications can be used or a tube cholecystomy tube can be placed to drain the gallbladder.

Octlet Rule and Covalent Bonding?

Can someone please explain to me about the octlet rule and covalent bonding. This is my first year of chemistry and Im having problems understanding

Good song to audition with?

My school is doing sweeney todd this fall and auditions are coming up! I'm very excited to do this show, but I'm at a loss at what song to audition with since i am more of a "happy" musical type. I'm a second soprano, blond hair blue eyes, 5'4. I am experienced enough in musical theater to know NOT to do anything from Wicked, Phantom of the Opera, Les Mis, and Fiddler on the roof, so no suggestions from any of those shows please! Any other suggestions would be mucho appreciated, Thaaanks:)

Dont u thnik mcr is the best band ever?

yeah i love them so much!! they're my favorite band and i head that their new album was going to be called 'the plague', but i don't know if it's true. gerard way is the iest man alive!!!!

If you had a choice to Replace " Paula " with another female judge?

My three would be Dionne Warwick, Pattie LaBelle or Gladys Knight. They have beenthrough it all and then some and I would trust them to be honest.

Can recycling efforts be a success if the government of a country simply says without much serious initiative?

as it is like our malaysian government, so much is said about recycling but the efforts carried out by the local authorities are just putting up some recycle collection bins at the corner without much emphasis. so, what's the point?

How many people?

how many people on here allow IMs and are on now?? not many people do and the 1s who do are NEVER on

How is this Fantasy Team?

Very good RBs and very good WRs minus Bowe. Bowe most likely won't be much of a stud this season. Crosby and Philly are great and I don't get why you would want to drop either. Both are much better. Good TE in Finley. You may have one of the best RBs in the NFL between MJD and Mathews for fantasy.

How to get rid of stress?

I have midterms right now and I took 16 hours of science cles ( a really stupid move). Because of all that I am really stressed out right now. How to calm your body when you are stressed out or depressed?

Good non smudging eyeliner?

well i know u said 15 or under but urban decay 24/7 eyeliner really does last forever!!! and its $17, u can find it at jcpenny, ulta, etc.

Having trouble with comma usage.?

I have never seen a subordinate clause preceded by a comma at the end of a sentence, UK or US. If it's there, it's wrong, period. A lot of people do it, but it's wrong. No question about it.

Does anyone have any alright runescape accounts I can have?

I have recently started runescape and I like it except I dont have a good account. If anyone doesnt play anymore or doesnt want an account I would be stoked if you would email the username and pword to me and tell me that you have sent me an email. Thanks

How do you remember basic strategy for blackjack ?

Remember hit 7up. That's it. If dealer shows 7 and up and you don't have at least 17, hit it. Otherwise stay. Some people at the table play free-style blackjack, which is wrong and they may get mad at you, ignore those people. I've been dealing in casinos for 12 years and I've seen maybe 4 or 5 people play strictly that way. They didn't freestyle or anything, they just played that way the entire time they played. They won thousands. It didn't matter what the other players were doing around them, they played their game and WON!! Most of the other players around them lost, they won. Did they get lucky? NO! If it was just once or twice, I'd say yeah, but every player I've seen play pure basic strategy without any variation whatsoever has been a winner.

When on priceline.com my screen suddenly closes while i'm waiting for a quote! how to stop it?

after typing in plan tix i want, negotiatr screen comes up as the site searches..then pow! screen closes. I have to start all over again. Frustrating!! I had my pop-up blocker turned off too!

Help please?

I am computer illiterate, something attacked my computer, i bought spyware doctor to remove and "protect" against spyware, malware, and viruses, but when i try to use my coputer the virus attacks again and a pop up says my WindowsXP has been corrupted .....WHAT DO I DO?

Which is better: Elizabeth (nickname: Libby) or Samantha (nickname: Sammy)?

My husband and I have it narrowed down to two girl names. We would either name her Elizabeth and call her Libby as a nickname, or Samantha and call her Sammy as a nickname. Which do you like better and why? Thanks!

New infromation about yamadaand chinen?

does anybodyy have NEW information about them i knw stuff from wen they were young but what about 2010-2011 like type in girls if thth hasnt changed and height like weight and stuff im not obssesed he stuf i heard was from like 2 yrs ago thnk yu!

What can i use?

I want to download a program kind of like ares/limewire .etc but i want one thats COMPLETELY SAFE because i just got a new and expensive computer and i dont want it harmed. I'm going on a roadtrip and i just want to download some movies to watch during the trip! :( or is there another/simplier/less risky way to be able to watch movies during the roadtrip (i cant get access to the internet on the road btw)

Does anyone have a normal named spelled differently?

in the baby name section people FLIP out if you suggest taking a name and spelling it out of normal. people actually say this will cause the child to hate you and cause so many problems in life. I agree that names play a big part of a person but seriously is spelling Ashley as Ashleigh going to stop you from getting a good job and leave you without friends? i doubt it! we are having a little girl and i really want to name her Alivea (olivia) and someone told me she would get no respect and people would judge my whole family for being illiterate. is it really that big of a deal?

Life Decisions, love or money?

Hey people I need your help. I really love this girl her name is Jess and she means the world to me. I know that sounds sappy especially since I'm in high school and all but that's how I honestly feel about her. She is so beautiful. But anyways, It's my senior year and I face these choices. I can either get into Westpoint (Military School with amazing potential and paygrade for anyone that graduates from it) or just go to a community college in pursuit of Jess. Is it worth it? Should I take that risk? I'm only in high school and I know everything's supposed to change when you hit college. I would do anything for her, but if I go to that military school I know I would change and probably never see her again. I need your help, I feel as though I'm immature and don't know what happens next in life.

Preguntas sobre masturbacion..URGENTE?

Hola!, soy una chica y me masturbo desde hace mucho ando mi oris sobre una almohada o con las yemas de los dedos, pero nose lo que se siente tener un o, nunca e llegado a eyecular (o como se escriba) pero cuando me masturbo mucho siento como que mi se contrajiera, siento que se abre y se cierra a golpes como si fuera a explotar, y me asusto y ahi paro, nunca me e metido nada adentro solo un dedo pero no totalemnte solamente toda una u�a larga de largo, porfavor necesito saber si esa sensacion en mi es normal o no, y si me meto mas el dedo me dolera.. graic (:

Can toshiba see anything that i did to my computer?

like when you have to order the cds theyll ask for my serial code? does that mean they can see what i did with my computer or do they use that only to figure out what disks to send?

Pregnancy Advice?

I'm 4 weeks pregnant (woo hoo) and I've been thinking about what I did the last 4 weeks. I cleaned my tired with this really potent cleaner (1st week) and tried not to breathe it in. I'm sure I've stood by the mmicrowave a few times when it was on. And I've been sleeping on my stomach. Would any of this stuff been harmful?

I keep seeing my crush. Is it kind of sign or something..?

Okay, so I go to the same school as my crush, however he is in a higher grade. So our schedules are not really the same. But I always see him. at lunch time. when i walk home. however b4 i walk home, i still talk to my friends and stuff and i dont look at the time. so i just leave when they leave. and most of the time when i walk i see him too. also, before school started, i saw him at the pool went to. I wasn't really interested in him yet at that time. and our lockers are close too each other'a homeroom cl before. >__< an i don't talk to him btw. but i THINK he knows i like him. but i don't know.... uhm so any comments? do you think it's a sign or something :|? (we go to te same school so i know theres alot of chances that i will see him. but i still want to know if its somekind of sign?) ty so much!

Slander??? I want to choke her!!!!?

It sounds like she needs counseling. Perhaps she's looking for attention. Even negative attention is attention. If she has not brought charges against your father, then it could be slander. I would ume he's heard about this? If so, have you asked him what he has/is going to do about it? I don't think you should get yourself in trouble dealing with her as she is a minor. You might check with an attorney to see what rights your father has. Most importantly, you should discuss this with your father first. Good luck.

A question about Gay/ PDA? For straight and homeual people?

I'm a , my girlfriend uses the old take a picture, it lasts longer. I'll either stare back if that's what they're doing or ignore. Except for once. Some jerk tried to physically tried to break us apart while we were kissing, you know the "violence begets violence" thing? I think it's Shakespear. I just put my leg behind him and pushed. NOBODY touches me or mine unless we want them to.

Which character from Harry Potter do you think you would be?

Oh, jeez, let me be the first to state that I have never read a Harry Potter book, or seen a Harry Potter movie.

How did I become so promiscuous and how do I stop?

You are not the only person who views differently. Not everyone is meant to be in a monogamous relationship. As long as you're being safe and you see nothing wrong with it, do what you want to do. If these guys are really their friends, they aren't going to judge you. Yes, they'll want your best interests in mind but ultimately you make up your own mind

How can the moderator of a group send an important message to all members of the group?

I have an important announcement that I wish to send directly to the email accounts of all members of a group, of which I am the moderator. Can I do it and how?

Is this computer worth buying for gaming?

I would say that would be good for playing lower end games.However, if you plan on playing games like Crysis or any other graphical intense games, I would waiting till your budget is a bit larger. Also I would drop the sound card and put that money into a better graphics card, because motherboard sound is really good unless you're an audio freak.

Where can i find a gun safe?

i have been looking for gun safe that i can either put on layaway or just make payments on. i dont what companys are good to use and which are good to stay away from. i dont wanna spend much more that $1500 . if you can help me please reply!


For some reason I can't find apps in my app store they aren't there at all when I search for them, they exist and my friends can find them but not me. This has happened before with another app which I couldn't search for but a month later it reappeared in the app store, why does this happen ?

How come there are so many acoustic fingerstyle types: travis, atkins, etc which one to choose?

i am a newbie starting to take fingerstyle lessons... which one do I choose coz there are so many techniques and styles

How do you know that God is so good?

God's positive qualities are actually up for debate. I'm reading Christopher Hitchen's "God is not Great" presently. The book's subtitle is "How religion poisons everything."

To get a cell phone, what kind of credit do you need?

Know days there are so many options like post paid plans that offer unlimited everything that anyone can get a cell phone. If your talking about a regular plan from AT&T or something, then your credit doesn't need to be all that great. If it's that bad then a small deposit may be required.

Do ya'll agree with me on this (cont'd)?

i was looking at Twilight pictures, and Kristen Stewart kinda reminded me of Avril Lavigne. Does anyone agree? Or am I just crazy? :P

Monday, November 14, 2011

How tall is kendall,kylie and kris jenner,and kim,khloe,kourtney and rob kardashian?

Wikipedia.org usually includes a person's height, so you may want to try there. Imdb.com sometimes includes heights in the Bio section, so that's another option.

How can I dust my room when I have a severe dust mite allergy?

my dad wanted me to clean my room today, which is totally fine with me, except, my room is very dusty. I'm always sneezing, I have a hypo allergenic pillow case and hypoallergenic bedding because the allergy is so bad. I've tried those masks to shield my face, and those are ok, but my nose gets kind of stuffy. (Unfortunately we happen to be out of them right now.) When dust without the mask on, I get very congested, I have a sneezing attack, my nose starts running like a waterfall, and my eyes get very red and watery. I don't know if I should take one for the team and suffer an allergy attack just so I can get my room clean and please my dad, or finish the rest of my room, (because I still have a long way to go, and see if someone else will dust for me.) Thanks:)

How much do you think fighters for bellator make a year ?

and also ufc fighters like digeo sanchez, clay guida, and roy nelson make a year ? do they need or have side jobs ? please and thank you

Do macbooks ever go on sale or when do they have the deals?

I worked there for a few years and black friday they do some kind of small promo, and always for back to school they do the free ipod thing with a computer. They offer smalls discounts to different business and such. But the % at most is 10... employees get good discounts... also a trusted person on ebay that you notice sells a lot of apple products, prob works for apple. lol...

Eagles fans how do u feel with Brian Dawkins leaving?

im a huge eagles fan and im just upset that the best player in eagles history is now going to the broncos. i just cant believe it. how do u feel?

Guys, I need your help! (Men or junior high-ers, or highschoolers.)?

Please, I need to know if guys actually like a curvy hour-gl figure. You know, round , curvy, not like a supermodel, where her ribs are showing. Curvy as in full-ish , round backside, curves... hmm... Please. I need a guy's take on this type of figure. Sure, I know, some guys like skinny girls. Please leave at the end of your answer if your a man, junior high-er, or a highschooler. Thanks! Please answer soon!

Is it wrong to ually fantasize about fictional characters?

I am happily married, but still masturbate thinking about the occasional y video game and/or cartoon character. My favorite is Ariel from The Little Mermaid. Is this wrong?

What kind of feed can my senior horses eat?

I have been feeding my 2 senior horses Nutrena Senior Feed, not the John Lyon signature brand. It is $14.49/bag at my local feed store and i go through 1 to 1 & 1/2 bags a week. It is getting pretty costly. Is there other brands that are just as good for senior horses that won't make them have digestive problems? It also must be able to get wetted down, because I have to make it into a bran mash as they have choke syndrome. The reason I have been using Nutrena Senior so long is because it has rice bran and beet pulp in it, and as far as I know, no other senior feed does that. If it helps in your research, i live in minnesota, so please don't give me a name of something that is only available in machusetts or whatever state you live in! THanks!

What would be a dangerous amount of whiskey?

i have distilled and matured Jameson whiskey, 40% alcohol. how many gulps would i take if i was light weight to get drunk? thanks x

A question for Christians (primarily) but others too?

I was never interested in boys in school (and likewise) and didn't have my first boyfriend and kiss still 21. Because of this I guess I concentrated completely on school. I always thought I would wait till marriage too. I wasn't raised Christian, I came into the religion and this was a decision made by me even before I became a Christian. So I dated my boyfriend for 2 years until the abstinence thing got too much for him. We didn't see each other for almost a year and now we're getting closer again and I just know he's the one for me. I am so so in love with him and I don't see myself spending the rest of my life with anyone else. We're not kids anymore and sometimes I really feel like giving in. He hasn't proposed, and even if he had for the next 3 years we'll be living in separate countries. Is it so wrong for us to have ?

Rate my lyrics i wrote please?

not bad at all without a melody its hard to judge but its seems pretty good to me being i feel the same as you about the whole thing so its relatable also ; ))

Does anyone know the name of the guest who appeared in episode 2 of the BBC series "The Old Guys"?

Roger Allam played Ned, Jeffrey Daunton played the Electoral Officer, and Richard Addison played the man at the door.

Had a scan today and.........?

i've been told it is very difficult to see a cord look like a . and at 26 weeks i think it's the most obvious! so i'm 99% sure you're having a boy based on your info :) CONGRATS!!! i've got 2- they're awesome :)

How would these races turn out?

Were wanting to race a 2006 Honda Recon VS a 2000 Yamaha Blaster, The Recon engin is 50 CC's more. Wich would win? Also a 2004 Toyota Corolla with 110 horsepower VS a 1993 Ford Aspire 68 horsepower. And one more..A Honda Recon VS the aspire. The aspires top speed will be faster, but let's say accellerating from 0 to 40 wich would win? Thanks. Just clearing the results up to someone. After we c what you think we will race for real.

What to do with baby Zebra Finch?

Hi A baby zebra finch has just hatched (other eggs were infertile) and whenever it is in the nest it keeps falling out because the parents push it out i don't know if it is on purpose or by accident but whenever it's returned to the nest it always falls out and sometimes it's really hard to find when it falls and im scared it will die. So i decided to put it in a small pets plastic container with layers of tissue and sometimes warm it up with a lamp. Any tips on how and what to feed it?

Dirty politics, I hate it...?

Pretty sleazy look at what the NY Times tried to do to McCain. I don't like it and I am not even voting for him.

Just got back to my hotel from WM;Your general opinions?

Over-all, it's good entertainment and show all the way. I rate it an 8. The favorite match I was expecting turned out into a big disappointment as the Hart family ganged-up on Vince, without Bret making all those fantastic moves that I was used to seeing. And the play-acting of Vince does not deserve even an Oscar nomination. Well, anyway, all the fights were good, although Batista should have won. I congratulate Rey Mysterio for manhandling CM Punk. Triple H of course was expected to beat Sheamus, but the HBK should have been given a proper retirement by beating the Taker. But well, the script was already done and should it must be so. Wish you luck.

What dress is Taylor Swift wearing in Speak Now?

I like the dress, too. I love Taylor! As to where to buy the dress, I'm not sure, but in Entertainment Magazine, there is an article where if you seen something you like that a celeb wears, you can e-mail them, and they'll try to find it for you. Not sure if you read the magazine or not. I tried to find it on their website, but no luck. I have a subscription to the magazine, and every now and again they have a section where people write in and ask where a celeb got a certain outfit or jewelry from a show, movie or music video. Flip through the magazine or their website. Hope that helps!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Does this girl like me or has feelings for me even if she has a boyfriend ??? PLEASE HELP ME !!!!!?

i've known this girl for almost a year. and now we consider ourselves best friends. but she knows that i have feelings for her and when i first met her she had a bf and i used 2 talk 2 her over AIM and we would give ourselves cute nicknames like bambam and pebbles a while i found out she had a crush on me too but didnt know what 2 do because she had a bf. she broke up wit her bf and when a while single. she came over 2 ma house and while we were watching a movie she let me lay my head on her shoulder and on her leg. and she would let me pick her up and play with her. then she gott bf before i even made a move and then she left for the summer. i felt bad because i really love her and i thought she didnt like me. now everytime i talk 2 her she calls me bambam again and its wierd because it feels like deja vu. so idk does she like me or not..PLEASE HELP ME!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO ???

How to get over a crush that does not like you?

like when he kissed u on the cheek and u kiss him one the cheek to and your friends goes to tell him that u like him and the next day your friend sends him a message saying ohh my friend likes u and he tex back and he say tell her to get over me what do u do.....????????

Can I get your thought's on the transcript from 'Real Time' 10/19/07?

I think it's sheer genius. As I've said, Christians are some of the most un-Christlike people in the country, and their politics are backwards.

Phrase # 3 that I need help.?

try a href="http://www.freetranslation.com/" rel="nofollow"http://www.freetranslation.com//a that might help a bit

Which of these teams is more diverse part 2?

Isn't Mulatto black and spanish? Where does the black fit in for Dos Santos? He's half Brazilian half Mexican.

Do you know these song lines?

its some thing like "the rain will keep falling" and there is a part where it is like "the waves will keep crashing". It is sung by a girl who sounds kind of like kelly clarkson or something like that.

I need 6 teeth bridge to replace 3 teeth bridge & two capped teeth. Pls suggest an ind. dental plan, tulsa, ok?

I have had missing teeth since birth. My current dentist says that an insurance won't cover, because they said it would be fraud, for they will only cover what you currently have. I need to change plans if I can do the other.

Reinjured my strained back muscle yesterday playing on hard concrete ground in cold weather...?

Take some advil or aleve with food. Also put a heating pad (the ones that plug into the wall) on your back. Take it easy for the next few days.

My 4 month old puppy bruno is dragging his on the carpet?

His itches. Either he's got something stuck there (like poo) or he has worms, or if he shows signs of skin irritation elsewhere (like he's rubbing himself on walls and furniture) it could mean he's allergic to something like his shampoo or food.

In Yahoo! Messenger, how do you disable popups in the bottom right corner whenever a friend changes status?

I know how to disable new mails, IMs, when a contact goes online and offline, etc. from appearing at the bottom right of the screen but I don't know how to disable it when a contact changes his/her status.

Utilities In Dover, Tn?

Can anyone tell me what the average cost of utitlies in Stewart Cty, Tn are?/ Cost of propane, electricity especially during winter months

Does improper shutdown harms my computer?

Recently power situations have worsened in my area because of which my system often shuts down when i am in the middle of something.will this damage my system.I am using windows vista.

Hi My 1 year old has Thrush. Th medication prescribed Nystatin worked but it looks like its coming back.?

The sides of her lips are chapped/red/open. His Dr. saw this and didnt prescribe any antibiotic. But my question is: Should I use a little Iodine and apply it to the outside of her lip with a qtip???? Ive also taken the natural way and have been putting Acidophilus in his bottle two times a day. Please help if theres anything im missing!!!! And I've been boiling bottles and everyday!!!

How do i make a susan costume? (for a narnia party)?

my friends having a party and im sposed to be susan..... but i dont have time to buy anything or where to get it anyways.... ideas?

Should the Cubs have traded D-lee,Felix Pie and other prospects to the Padres for Peavey and Adrian Gonzalez.?

Then should they have signed Adam Dunn although his defensive skills arent totally terrific? A lineup of Soriano,Fontinot,Gonzalez,Ramirez,Dunn,S… and Theriot would be unbeliavable. They wouldnt be stopped. Plus, your rotation would be amazing. With Zambrano,Peavey,Dempster,Lilly,Harden.

What is the longest you've ever spent writing a poem?

i have been writing a poem called the voyage for as long as i can remember...just when i am ready to finish, a dust devil or a monsoon or a jerk-off baboon or some clown comes along to take it all away, then i have to remember again and as words never repeat exactly the same, it has lost much yet gained perspective.

Why are little white/yellow lumps coming out of my mouth?

Drink alot of water. It's them flush down. The lumps are leftover food bits that are partially digested, which is why it smells so bad.

Do you support Proposition 8 ?

Yes. I dont support it. Not because I am persecuting gay people or anything but God said for man to marry woman. Its not that im uncomfortable with them because they are just people its just I believe that traditional marriage is the way to go. I mean, just BEING gay and dating is one thing, but to have MARRIAGE legal is a pretty important change. So not to offend anyone but, I do not support gay marriages because of my faith and beliefs.


Why are page numbers important? Don't you have the book? Unless someone has the book in front of them and can search out these quotes, I don't know of anyone who can tell you the exact page number. Hmmmm....

Charity song in Haiti RIDICULOUS!?

I agree, i havent heard the one that Simon Cowell has got together. i have heard the other one and it sounds awful but at least they're doing something to help which is good and it encourages more people to give, and they only had a short time to cover it. I agree with the fact that they're all millionaires and to them half a mil is nothing.

I have a cousin who went out with a girl for about a year every week, she (cont. with details section)?

She was going out with another guy at the same time without telling the other guy. Even though the other guy was just friends, when one goes out with a girl for that length of time and its just one the 2 together every time, shouldn't the girl (for the principle of consideration and respect for him and the relationship ) tell him that she is or plans to go out with another guy?

What parts are needed to build a Co2 air cannon?

You have 90 o/o of what you need. I would build it and tweak it out as you go along. Make necessary adjustments, and go to auto zone or any car parts place and get your flex high pressure hose.

What part of speech is the italicized word in the sentence below?

"Upon" is a preposition. Prepositions indicate location. Over, under, around, through, above and below are examples of prepositions.

Why such stupid stale monotonous outrightly impractical SOAPs allowed as TV serials ?

What ails our system . Can't we get a few people in power to reject those stupid TV serials as entertainments. Where in the Earth those women of no substance shown over clothed , over ornamented , over lipsticked which has no bearing to actual story . Story , where is the story . Who is responsible for such low cl entertainment . Can we put those men on the guillatine.

Sit/Bench for week 16 Championship game. Can you help please?

By looking at your bench the only change I'd make would be Favre for Romo. Besides that I'd keep everything the same.

Pharoah rejected Moses, The Jews rejected Jesus, Now The Christians, reject Muhammad?

Because Muhammad was a false prophet and a liar. The Quran is contradictory and unreliable. Go check the last question identical to this.

Anyone find the Dawkins on Darwin programme hysterically ironic

i really dont see the unacceptable connection between this programme and the pat....why is that not appropriate? please explain

I need help/suggestions/tips on writing a 5 page essay on "The Great Gatsby"!!!?

Look at the color imagery in the novel. It is very significant and symbolic. Each color can be interpreted differently For each paragraph you can focus on a different color. I haven't read the book in a couple years but I remember gray and green were very frequently mentioned. There are other colors as well... I just don't remember!

New movie trailer teaser?

I saw a movie trailer that ended with 4 or 5 German soldiers. The swatsica and wings nazi sign was there aswell. I'm sure it was a teaser trailer. Does anyone now the name of the movie? or where i can watch the trailer again?

What is your Life Path Number?

a href="http://www.astrology-numerology.com/num-expression.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.astrology-numerology.com/num-…/a

What are 3 examples of animal imagery in the pearl? What do they mean?

I need help. I have to ahve done in one week and I am not so good at Language Arts. Much obliged for those who help.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Will they fix this broken itouch?

If you have accidental damage warranty Best Buy will repair it for free. If you don't, it will cost just over $60 to replace. Best Buy has the Geek Squad that repairs iPods, but they may sub it out to Apple. If the iPod goes to Apple, it be placed with a all the other iPods and and be repaired and you will get one of them. There is not guarantee you will get your some iPod back and it will come to you as if it were brand new. Meaning nothing you added will be on it. It the Geek Squad can repair it, you will need to ask them first. In all cases Back up your data. If you have your iPod repaired by a third party. Something like that would not be noticeable to Apple and your warranty would not be affected as long as you don't tell them. Don't worry...Worst case $60.

Gender Studies - What is your favorite meal?

I LOOVE seafood with a pion, and what I love is fried shrimp, fried oysters, french fries, and cole slaw. With a lot of catchup.I haven't had it in a really long time. Ha, guess I'm hungry, haven't eaten much today.

Anyone know whatever happened to "Dogs" son Tucker chapman and Monique Shinnery?

Last I heard she was going to sue Dog for slander and Tucker got hauled off to jail in early 08 for parole vioations.

Install a Low Profile Graphics Card into a Full Height Slot?

I want to install a Low Profile Graphics card into a Full Height Slot. I am using and 8X AGP Slot if it makes any difference.

If God desires all people to believe, and man has libertarian free will, then?

Have you seen the movie "invasion" or something like that. That is exactly how I imagine world without God or any higher being.

Does AirTran except cash for baggage fees at the ticket counter?

Tomorrow I am flying out of DFW to ATL via AirTran carrying two bags. I have searched up and down their site, and I can't figure it out. Can I pay the $40 in baggage fees in cash, or does it have to be a credit card?

An english question about "returning to"?

"I just returned to the office" is the correct one. Using "to" shows where you are going to, and "in" shows that you're returning IN the office, so it still doesn't state where you're returning to.

What does the military think about...?

It is a very big deal with the military and a court martial offense. When the military sends people away on long ignments away from their family, they need to ure the person going away that someone else in the service is not going to hit on their spouse while they are gone.

Knight vs samuai- unarmored?

a knight and a samurai face off in an open medow in the middle of spring. neither of them are wearing armor. both are wearing comfortable, loose clothing. the samurai carrys a katana that wieghs 2 kgs. the knight carrys a longsword that weighs 2.8 kgs. both have been training since childhood. at the end of the fight who will be the last one standing?

How do scientists determine what is a 'quake and what is an aftershock?

When an earthquake happens it produces two kinds of shock waves, the primary wave (the quake) travels at 8000m/s and the secondary (the aftershock) travels at 6000m/s. Also due to the nature of the waves the primary wave can travel through the mantle of the earth and the secondary wave cannot

As far as the Gulf War goes, how much was televised at the time? Enough to monitor your kids from the tv?

How much did they show? It says in my book that The Gulf war, when Iraq invaded Kuwait, This was one of the first televised wars on the United States part. Was it bad enough to monitor what your kids were watching?

I haven't been pooing as normal. HELP!?

You might want to see a doctor and also at the same time arrange an appointment to have a screening test for colon cancer. The earlier it's detected, better off you'll be cured, otherwise if it's in later stages, it's too late to do anything. Hope you stay well!

To Obama supporters...?

Can any of you please give me something real and profound in telling me why Barack Obama will succeed in making this country rich in jobs, economic status, foreign relations, etc? You all think he's perfect, tell me how he is. If you throw labels such as liberals, conservatives, muslim, Christians, left-right wing, mentioning Bush, racism, etc, ect, ect, then you will answer this question by simply saying "i dunno". I don't need non supporters telling me how Obama is wrong for this country. That has been established. I would like REAL reasons why Obama is "the man". Why is he so cool for our time?

Does anyone know where i can find a crochet pattern for Ice Skate baby booties?

looking for these cute booties in the character of an ice skate. if anyone know of where i can find this pattern.

Where can I get a review sheet for a written dmv test?

where can I find the written dmv test on the internet? I need a review sheet, Any one know where I can find one on the internet and that is printable?

Is it true that President Obama's nickname in grammar school was 'skidmark' or just 'skid' for short?

I think your getting Obama's confused with yours. Some people can change bad hygiene why can't you? Now you've got it spewing from both ends.

Is the website uggout.com a scam?

I ordered a pair of ugg boots several weeks ago and they haven't arrived yet although they sent me an email that said they had been shipped. In this email they sent me a USPS tracking number but when I type it in USPS says it is invalid.

Can anyone verify that Fergie and Taylor Dayne are sisters?

Uh, no, sorry. I cannot verify that they are sisters due to the fact that they AREN'T. Fergie only has one sister named Dana.

How bad did humans destroy the Ozone during the 20th century?

Well they blamed it on CFCs and they banned CFCs and said that once CFCs were banned, the hole would repair itself, but now it's two decades later and the ozone hole is bigger than it was at the time. The explanation is that well CFCs were even worse than we'd thought and it will take fifty years for the ozone hole to repair itself but it sounds very Orwellian.

What do you think of these TOM's?

a href="http://www.toms.com/womens/new-styles/red-crochet-women-s-clics" rel="nofollow"http://www.toms.com/womens/new-styles/re…/a

Can some one tell me why this is funny?

you have such horrible grammar and spelling that if this joke is supposed to be funny, no one could tell.

To day off or not to day off?

Ok, i worked out to Jillian Michaels cardio kickboxing workout. it was tough let me tell you, but i did it and am feeling it today. i really enjoy my workouts now but i'm not sure with this soreness if i should take the day off or just do her other dvd and deal with the soreness. what do you think?

Troy Polamalu on dirtiest players list?

Alright, I'm a Steeler fan, but I'm not being biased when I ask: How the hell is Troy Polamalu 9th on the dirtiest players in the NFL list? I understand Hines Ward is (which is a redundant argument because he is a small, old wide reciever), but Troy? I guess that if you're the best they label you dirty. What do you think?

Living with Agoraphobia/Social Anxiety (I would rather die)?

People can be cruel and they will be cruel and that is the saddest thing of life. I've been bullied myself when I was close to your age.People will find something to bully about in order to make themselves feel better about themselves. People who bully are uncomfortable with themselves and that is why they bully. Everyone has imperfections. What truly counts is your heart and not the way you look. People who like someone only because they are pretty are shallow. One thing I learned is I learned to laugh with people, this confuses the heck out of them. If people see you down they will continue to push you down so don't let them. Walk with your head high. Is good that you are seeking help as that will help you to at least talk to someone about what you are going through instead of keeping everything inside.

Are the Atlanta Falcons contenders or pretenders (i.e. are they going to win the NFC)?

They could easily have 4 losses right now - the two they already have, and versus the Buccaneers (who couldn't punch it in on 4th and 1) and the Saints (kicker missed at least one FG to win game, IIRC). The only good teams they beat were the Saints and the Packers, IIRC, and that was in OT and a last-second scoring drive.

Help MoMs!!! It's my first time traveling with my new 4 month old.... what do i need/should pack???????

sounds like you have everything under control. I would change to instant formula you can carry it easier and use bottled water. anything you forget you can purchase on your trip. good luck!!

Why do religious people always think they are utterly right?

Today I had to call at a house as part of my work as a building surveyor. The householder was polite and affable, but when I left he insisted on handing me a religious tract, and got quite peeved when I refused it. This has happened a few times before, at Christian and Muslim households, and it seems to be the case with many such religious people that even if you say you are an atheist, then that is merely a signal for them to redouble their efforts to convert you to their view. It's almost as if by replying that I don't believe in God, or Jesus, or Mohammed, or Allah, or whichever mythical deity/prophet they follow, that I'm somehow criticizing them. Or do organized religions not allow contrary opinions to their own doctrines?

Should i let him buy my son a gun?

Me and my husband are currently having a disagreement about my oldest sons Christmas present. He wants me to let him buy an airsoft gun (BB) for him. I am weary.. Can they do damage? Am i being over protective?

Would you be friends with a liar?

i've been friends with a girl(i'm a girl too) for about 10 years now.. went to same elementary school but diff high schools i went to coed and she went to all girls.... since then we've been hanging out less but i consider her as my best friend but idk what she considers me as; i confronted her last week about just the things that i don't like about her and some problems. and i confronted her about some stuff that were lies and turns out that they were lies; now idk what is the truth anymore or what is fake since idk who to believe. anyway the one that surprised me the most that i seriously CAN'T get over is she went to prom with this random guy n i asked did u kiss n she was like kiss nahh and i knew it was a lie but ppl were like no regina would never lie to you and im like yea ur right; so when i confronted her i found out that that was a lie; i'm just surprised that she isn't what she is, like she told me she doesnt like pda doesnt want a bf ect like doesnt want to be involved in those relationships. so its like another person; and i do NOT want to be friends but when i asked her she said she wants to be friends n idk if thats a lie cuz she barely talks and shows no emotion whatsoever. and yesterday she was like do we start from the beginning but i dont want to i do not want to see her face ever again; backstabber and she's such a desperate slut! so do you think i should be friends with her? i confronted her a few days after n she was like yeah i thought about what you said i feel bad but im like i cried 5 times in one day thats just said and she doesnt even make an effort to start **** like talk first ask to hang out ect.. or she doesnt even give me like a sorry present or my grad gift that she said that she "would" make... pls. help this is all i can think about thanks...

Would this gift be offensive?

My cousin just had her first baby 3 months early so I'm stuck with buying a last minute shower gift. I wanted to do something creative and am thinking about buying her books for her baby(lullaby books, potty training, pop up, etc) and was going to buy parenting books for her. Do you think Parenting books would scream " I don't think you are going to be a good mom study up!" I think she will be a great mom, don't get me wrong, but she is young and I thought it would be useful to have. I sure would want something to refer to besides calling my mother every time I was unsure. Also should I address the gift to her or her and her boyfriend? Thanks

Does having a good diet really lead to better skin?

I've been having breakouts around my mouth and just the general facial area so my mom said I should eat more fruit and veggies, I tried laying off of the soda and I've been feeling a lot better in general. Are there any other foods or dietary tips that could make my skin clear up (or any other recommendations) or any foods that will make me feel more energized/happier?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Is it improper for a girl to sit with her legs crossed?

Is it improper for a girl to sit with her legs crossed, of course with pants on not a skirt? My instructor is Pakistani and he implies so many times that it is, so I think in his culture it is improper, but what do you think? Is it in yours? If so, what are you?

How to remove rust from PCI-Devices?

A friend of mine gave me a Creative Sound Blaster Live. It was great but I was bothered of some rust spots that have aculated on the metal surface (the area where you have to screw it in your ATX Casing). What is the best way or removing rust without harming the Sound Card?

Study of the sermon on the mount ,Matthew 5:25&26. Can you add any relevant scriptures or comments ?

Don't get burdened down with the things of the world as the world is ping away and so are its desires. The end will be upon you as a thief in the night, with no warning. Then you are no more.

Need help with a chemistry word problem PLEASE!?

In a geographical area at sea level measuring 56 km by 24 km by 1 km, the ozone concentration is 0.145 ppm. How many moles of ozone must be removed from the atmosphere to reach a concentration of 0.080 ppm, uming a constant atmospheric pressure of 1 atm and constant temperature of 30 degrees Celsius.

Legitimate answers sought about Gas prices?

my friend,i live in amarillo texas and we are the highest gas in texas,because a guy that owns all the toot n tootums .he just charges us what he wants' and when he raises prices,it's not cents,it's dimes... be thankful you dont have one of these guys in your town yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Children's from 1800-1900 title help?

Does anyone know the title of a children's book published somewhere in between1800-1900? The last word in the title is Good, and inside the front cover is an image of a tall slender man (presumably a butler) bending over a fire place as though he were going to stoke it.

My arm aches like mad?

Every 2/3 weeks my arm seems to tense up and eventually go completely numb. It aches so bad i cant even bed it into any position as the pain is really bad. Its always (bar once) on my right arm at the top between my elbow and my shoulder. I do quite heavy lifting for a living but whilst i have been in my job for 2 years, this pain has only been around for 2 months. Painkillers usually reduce the ache/pain a little but it normally goes away fully after 24 hrs only to reappear 2 or so weeks later when i get the familar ' begginings of a dead arm - any help much appreciated - ps its not the way i sleep either

Enemies Of America...?

Can i get a complete list of names of enemies of america. Like saddam hussien, Osama, Napolean, thats all i know.

Does my friend have bipolar or a mental health disorder?

That isn;t Bipolar.... sounds a lot like Borderline Personality Disorder though.... Bipolar moods last for weeks or months and only change 2 or 3 times a year... and they are much more severe than that... Borderline moods change like the wind... also common with borderline is when someone likes you one minute then hates you the next then loves you the next.....

Printer Help PLEASE?

uming the printer is a network printer, it has an IP address. Get the printer to print its configuration page, which will show you its IP address (usually you just push and hold the menu on, but you might need to look at menu items to find Print Configuration). Then, on the PCs, go to Start...Printers and Faxes. Then choose Add a Printer....Local Printer (UNCHECK Automatically detect.....)..Next...Create a new port..drop down to Standard TCP/IP port...Next...Enter the IP address in the top box...follow the rest of the instructions to install the printer/driver.

If two K-band radar guns ped each other would it create interference?

In our track test vehicle for work we have an older Kustom Trooper K-band radar gun. I was just curious if you were driving down the street and ped a patrol car with another active K-band radar gun would he be able to get a lock on your car or would it interfere?

What products and items do you use to clean your car?

I don't use wool mitt just a good fleesy synetic one will do ok. I wash Mitts towels in the washing machine. Wool use woolite and hang up to drip dry. I have three different wash mitts I buy one each year new one is for the top of the car last years for the sides 3 year old for fender wells and wheels. I do not use chamious cloth or skins any more I use the "california water blade " and finish up with a turkish towel. Quick detailer and clay to remove finish high spots and impurities. Other wise Mequires Carnuba wax and Tire shine. If you can find blue color wax it really works good on white cars to make them look whiter. Black cars only use yellow color wax or clear waxes. I tired turtle wax Ice and was not impressed seemed like smearing oil onto my paint but for " joe wax my car after it gets dull " it might work ok. I win my cl at lots of car shows. Detailing a car takes me about two weekends working 3 to 4 hours. There is almost no where you can't scrub with a tooth brush.

Does anyone know the names of some good Christmas songs/albums?

I'm looking for any Holiday themed albums or songs that have old Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, or Nat King Cole. etc.

How's my fantasy football team?

Wow the drafts started already ill have to look into that but yeah your running backs are SOLID. recivers great. Antonio Gates great. Giants D had them for 2 straight years great. The only thing is how long can Kurt Warner keep it up i think he will do well this season. BEnch is solid. Joseph Addai man your a good drafter.

When will the British people realise the The Monarchy is archaic and irrelevant and get rid of it.?

i have known this for along time..i,m British..they are a bunch of blood sucking parasites..the French had the right idea way back in 1792

Sinus infection cured by taking potium Iodide!?

I read an article online about Potium Iodide. It said that is very effective in killing certain types of yeast and fungus. I was once a sinus sufferer so, I thought I would try it out. No Antibiotics could help my infection. I spent time at the ER and in the Hospital for Sinus infections. But the Potium Iodide cured it! Now, I know that Potium Iodide works on the Thyroid. They say you should take it during a Nuclear attack sense it blocks radioactive Iodine from reaching the Thyroid gland. I also know that you are not supposed to take it over a long period of time. I only take it about once a week. I take the maximum dose only once a week now. Has anyone else ever tried this?

Would you love if ur favorite NFL team had all these players???

You can keep Peterson and his fumbling problem. If I'm going to have two RBs, I'll take someone like Jones-Drew to use as a fullback to lead for Johnson. I'll also take Gates over Witten any day.

Im in dubai, united arab emirates for work n things r soooo manipulated here...?

its a world of tricksters, consters n goons- if ur rich ppl look to fleece u fo ur money n if ur poor ppl look to kick ur *** in / use u / abuse u- i have little choice at the moment and am tryna work my way out. however, can sum1 advice how i should behave in a place where ppl r money-greedy or flesh-drive--- crazy.im 22, pretty and smart--- i juz want to work n b to myself- i dont wna mingle n become a mess. but i need to know how to act bcuz i could behave cold but then ppl come at u with an axe to grind for being a snob/ they will bring u down in the workplace, etc. pls advise. thanks.

ual transmission of diseases?

Is it possible to contract any ually transmitted problem even after avoiding contact with bodily fluids and using the condom?

Who should I start for RB this week?

Should I start Shonn Green against Baltimore this week or Hightower of Arizona against St. Louis. I have Peterson so he is kind of obvious. I am allowed to have two RB's.

What if "X" came to Dinner ?

I would serve anyone who came to my table dinner/food and conversations, I don't care if it is rosie or satan, it's always good to be a good host. Also probably a buffet.

Is McCain independent of the GOP attack machine?

I just remember when Kerry ran and republicans attacked his purple hearts McCain was one of the first people to defend him. Is McCain independent of unfair attack ad's? or does he support them?

How to stop an affair?

I'm married and so is my lover- I decided to stop messing with him, and to work on my marriage- he agreed as well- we both love our spouses -even though what we are doing is wrong- I was missing something in my marriage that my husband was not willing to given- until recently- now i have this quilt- but i will never tell him- My exlover and I still communicate- and even though he tells me that he won't try to resume this affair- we are drawn right back to it- he a really good person- with a good heart- we just made a mistake that seems not to go away- what can I do to make him understand that no more means no more?

How much are my beanie babies worth?

I have Erin (1997), Swoop (2000), Early (1997), Runner (2000), Fetcher (2000), Fuzz (1998), Signature Bear 1999, Slayer (2000), Ariel (2000), Halo (1998), and Prince (2000). All have tags. Thanks!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Does anyone else think that McCain chose Palin just to.....?

.......win the Hilary and women voters and that he is a hypocrite for attacking Obama on his experience, and then chooses someone with just as much.

Is it dangerous to drink distilled electrolite enhanced water like smart water on a daily basis?

electrolite drinks are just mostly sugar & salt. things your body needs to operate normaly.-BluRey

I have hot water everywhere in the house but not in the shower. Can anyone help me figure out why?

There wasn't any hot water anywhere in the house but I reset the boiler. Now, there is hot water except in the shower.

Considering that there are no Biblical arguments against the Big Bang Theory,will it soon be forgotten that...?

the Bible actually does have something to say against it. in fact logic has much to say against it. tell me have you ever known an explosion to cause order and function? NO. Peter was writing in his letter saying the day of the Lord is going to come like a thief and the heavens are going to vanish with a loud noise and the earth is going to be set ablaze. it didn't begin with a big bang, it will end in a big bang. paul expounded on the matter of creation and concluded that the worlds were set in place by the mandate of God, that God spoke and everything stood fast. the Bible purports everything began with a whisper.

What was that dong from the Narnia trailer?

there was a song in the Narnia trailer, that from the thirty seconds of it i judged it to be amazing (that's extremely rare for me) it kind of sounded like the song "two steps from hell" very epic sounding so just wondering if any one knows because i certainly dont know :P obviously

Are you For or Against giving your baby a dummy / pacifier ?

when I was a baby I always had a pacifier in my mouth, so when I got pregnant and was thinking about baby stuff to buy I was all for the pacifier. When my daughter was born she didn't like it. I thought for sure that I had wasted money on pacifiers I wasn't going to use. Now she's 3 months old and within the last couple weeks, takes a pacifier. She loves it! The suckeling soothes her, especially since she's teething. I saw it wouldn't hurt to keep them around because if it helps your baby feel comfy and soothes them then why wouldn't you let them have it? Its all a comfort issue with me. When my baby is comfortable, she's happy. When she's happy, I'm happy. Hope this helped(:

Answer this if you are super smart?

i have been trying lots of new security software's to protect my laptop, sometimes it fells like that all i ever do. And i download any software which i find interesting. and now i have downloaded lots of stuff making my pc dull and slow. and some software's claim to be free but after downloading it, it says buy the new version for full protection its ridiculous. what i need is a free security software that can protect my pc the software must have most of the anti treatment in it[antiviruse, antispyware, antimalware, anti................. did i mention it should be free, thanks in advance

Do you think this is a decent response paper to a campus event for a sociology cl?

According to me your work is incomplete because it seems a narration of what x and y have said even though you've attached your arguments, this work miss facts and strong arguments for a sociological response paper. However it is not bad.

I have boy troubles...?

okay, im a 14 year old girl and my best friend (he's a 14 year old guy) and i have started saying "i love you" to each other... he started it though, one day he said "i love you..in a friendly way" but after that he just said plain "i love you" and he calls me pretty and stuff...like his exact words were "i only think girls are pretty, if they really ARE pretty... like cindy, michelle, you, and so on..." and we always flirt with each other, and whenever we talk, we have to talk for 3 hours or more and we both agree that we can talk soo easily. He says i have the best personality, but yet, he seems a little girl crazy right now. once in a while we'll be talking and he'll say "cindy is so awesome" but when i talk to cindy, he seems to always be talking about me and how good of friends me and him are. But i think he only thinks of me as a friend but i've had a HUGE crush on him for about a year. what should i do?

Do you think he likes me?

i am senior and there is this junior who already became my friend since we text each other and he said that he has a crush on one of my clmate. then last monday i was wondering why he went in our corridor that day even if he knows that his crush is absent. we just chatted and my other clmates got shocked because they saw us talking. i didn't mind it. the next day, my clmate is again absent, but he went again and chatted with me (but our topic is not her crush). the same thing happened on wednesday and i felt so weird about it. my clmates were asking why that junior is always talking to me. it seems that we are super close. then a while ago my clmate was already present. before that junior told me that he is going to chat with her crush once she come to school. but a while ago she just ask the girl why she's absent, looked at her id and chatted with me again. and i observed that he always pinch me and my clmates thought that there is something in us. and he even gave me two poems and his ballpen. i feel that he acts really weird and i can't understand why he's doing that. what about that?

Do u think my top is nice?

a href="http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg176/take_lite/hu.jpg" rel="nofollow"http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg176…/a

How much should I charge as a nanny in PA?

your price seems fair to me but you said no cleaning and i really think that you sould do a little cleaning expecet my nanny to clean up after the kids and dish after any meals she my make throw out the day just something to think about

System requirements for gta4?

the game had issues upon release. It was stated that you could have the best of everything, and the game was still quite buggy on a PC. Check the website and see if there is a patch yet. As far as your configuration, I wouldn't hold my breath. There is hope, however.

Should the tigers go after Chad Gaudin?

I know they have pitching concerns because im a tigers fan, so it puzzles me why that wouldn't take a chance on him. he was pretty good for Oakland, and the tigers would only have to pay him 400k

The horn, SRS, and cruise control in my Honda Prelude don't work. What could the problem be? How to fix?

I have a 1993 Honda Prelude SI 4WS. The SRS indicator light is on, and there is no response from the horn and the cruise control. I've checked my fuses and they all seem to be operational. That's pretty much the extent of my electrical knowledge. I think everything went at once, so I ume they're related somehow.

When will i be able to hear xm Satellite stations on my sirius subscription?

They merged and now I want to know when I will be able to listen to baseball games that only XM carries. I heard it was coming but when?

Have you tasted my poem yet?

The difficulty of this poem is that it has a two part structure. The last six lines construct a chain of causality running backwards in time. Reversing it, it runs something like this: pains -> opium -> gains (loss of pain) -> losses (loss of wisdom) -> woes -> light (burning woes). This chain reaches up from the end of the poem, and ends in line three. Lines one and two express dejected sight, grieving for hopes of light. Thus the first two lines are directly connected, and the last six lines are directly connected, but these two parts are only connected by hope. Remarkably, the theme of this poem is not frustrated hope, but the concomitants of getting what one desires-- that light implies woes, pain, etc. To me, the condensation of this abstraction is remarkable, if I do not mistake your intent. But in that case, the plot of the poem, such as it is, becomes superfluous, and the novelistic details (soporifics, pains) carry the reader away from the thematic centre of the poem, where he does not find resolution. Incisive psychological poems are difficult to write. I would say you have made an admirable attempt, but I do not think the structure is well polished yet.

In the dark knight is heath ledger performance oscar worthy?

no I don't think so, Just because he plays an Evil Character, I think that is the easiest part to play

If Santa Claus isn't real, why do most children believe in him?

Santa is real, I am thirty five and I still get a gift from him every year, its funny how his hand writing is so much like my moms though.

My Drawings? Copyright them?

Someone wants to use my drawings for commercial use on like a logo or a trademark for their company.Should I trust them and get it copyrighted to protect myself or what?How much compensation is in a drawing?Help!!!

Which graphic cards is best for WoW? and some question on pixel shader, vertex shader and supplementary power?

Well I play wow but I'm no expert unfortunately my husband is but you just had to ask this question while he was out of town. I'll tell you what we have and it is perfect, everthing runs smooth no lagging and you can see every detail in the game. We ahve the nivida gforce 9600. It was about $200 bucks but really worth it. Hope this helps a little

Which fireplace is nicer?

The second one looks nice. One thing to be careful about with electric fireplaces is how realistic the flame looks. There are ones out there that will look like the real thing and then others don't even look like a fire.

Can a good spirited evangelical PLEASE tell me the maximum occupancy in Heaven and Hell?

In heaven there is no fire marshal, and in hell Satan is the fire marshal, so there's plenty of room for everyone, both places.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Gas fireplace pilot goes out.?

there is a little window on the pipe that acts as a carburetor. probably is opened correctly if the burn is good but you can experiment with it to see if you can keep it going. one tip is never close the thing all the way or it won't light at all. hope this helps

How do you know if someone has a crush on you and wat should i do?

well there is this hott guy named rudy that i known since we were lttle but we stopped talking for a while after his dad died and now we go to the same school and he is always staring and when i catched him staring at me he just got a big smile on his face does that means he likes me or he just has a staring problem

What your fav song title? A title thats funny or profound or just plain silly.....?

I like "anarchy in the UK"- must've scared the grown ups sh*tless back then... "flagpole sitta".... it evokes an image...

Salary - Senior Structural Draftsperson (CAD Technician) ?

I've been working in the UK for the last 8 years and have a job offer for a Senior Structural Draftsperson with an Engineering consultancy in Perth WA. Just trying to figure out what the going rate is for a full time position in Australia. Also are we getting hit by the credit crunch back home yet, heard the mining industry is not faring so well.....

How do you count cards in blackjack?

i know how to play blackjack... but i just don't understand how to count cards.. i know it sounds pathetic, but how do you do it... please answer.

I need a quote from caesar?

im doing a project for julius caesar... you need to take a quote from julius caesar and make a product relating the quote such as, " and that was the unkindliest cut of them all" could be the product band-aid.. so can someone please tell me another quote and a product??

IM kind freaked out Help!?

Im a little weary about asking this but here goes. I recently started dating a girl that I have asked out many times before, she finally said yes. Keep in mind that Ive been trying to get the nerve to ask her for a long time and since grew sum and manned up. She turned me down for about 3 weeks but the other night my dreams came true. We went to dinner, a movie (a kids movie funny and sweet) and I took her home not trying to hard but just establish a great start to a relationship. I waited for her to call me as I chewed off my fingernails in anxiety. She called the next day to wake me up for work and I couldnt believe she remembered that I told her my biggest problem was getting up on time.LOL I was so happy, and she asked me out for the evening. I said yes(as if I wudnt) and we met at a local pub. We shared stories about growing up and laughed as the drinks went down.(Im 31 and shes 28). The night was coming to an end and trying to be a respectable person I called her a cab as neither of us were fit to drive. As I waited for her cab she gave me a polite hug and kiss on the cheek. Shes very beautiful and told me prior in the pub that she had surgery on her a couple of years ago because she wanted a fuller body. I almost choked on my drink as they were staring at me! Anyhow when I hugged her you could not help but feel them hit me in the chest. The cab came and I was proud to be seen holding her in my arms, yes people were staring. I thought to myself, there is a god and thank you man!! As she got in the cab she looked back at me with those beautiful green eyes and Blonde hair and asked if Id like to go with her. As my heart started to race I said yes Il ride with you(not trying to be the same pig others have been) thinking shed respect me more by having the cab drop me after her and not trying to get straight to bed as she complained that thats all people wanted when they went out. I really wanted her but was also wanting to keep her for the long run. She makes me melt just by her looking at me. Yes love at first sight.(for me and I was hoping the same) I did not want to mess this up. We get to her condo and I stepped out to say bye thats when she told the cab driver he could go. I was now trembling knowing that this was going to be a night to remember. We go inside, she breaks out a bottle of Patron and were havn shots. One thing led to another and Im getn shots from between her . We start to kiss and she drags me to her room literally. Im nervous as anything. She strips down and I said good God U are beautiful and she pulls my shirt off. We initate the beginning of what I thought was going to be a night of desire and great . We get into it and she pulls out a collar that goes around her neck with a leash and puts it on her. She then tells me to get behind her and pull really hard, I didnt know what to do but hey, Ill try it. She starts complaining that Im not pulling hard enough and rolls over takes it off, grabs my hands, and wraps them on her neck. Im starting to freak out, she then asks me to choke her! What the hell, Im not gonna do this, its wrong. She calls out to her roomate that I didnt know was even there and this beautiful red-headed lady walks in naked and starts kissing on both of us. They start goin at it as IM getn my **** together to leave and she looks at me and asks if I want to join in. I figured what the hell this aint gonna happen but 1 time in my life so here goes. I get behind the red-head(already got the blonde) and started doing my job. All of a sudden I hear the door open and its the red-headed girls boyfriend. Things arent looking good. Here i am with my(you know) hung in her and her mans lookin at me. I politly move back off her and realize her man is my boss!!!! I screamed and got my clothes and ran out naked. I didnt go to work for 3 days and went to get my check 2day, he calls me in his office and says, its ok will you come back 2 night? He wants me to go back and do it again so he can watch.What the hell is going on. I need help.

Survey: How do you feel about genres of music?

I don't think any type of music influences people to be disrespectful toward women, do drugs or any other kind of behavior that would be considered "bad" in today's society. People can and do make their own decisions. Music has nothing to do with it.

How could i describe bacon and chive tarts? BEST ANSWER 10 POINTS.?

How could i describe bacon and chive tarts? I need to justify why i think they would be good for a morning tea... also i need to know what could be served with them.

How unlikely and impressive is it that the Steelers are now at two wins in two games, without Roethlisberger?

Maybe, maybe this will finally prove that just because a guy was the Quarterback on a team that won a Super Bowl or 2 (Ben) or more (Brady) doesn't mean they are great & can be replaced in the right system

Did the group known as Code Pink help put Republicans in Office?

You are so wrong. These are bad bad people, do not get them mixed up with the good Republicans, they hate it more than you do.

Will my video card run Rift?

I meet all the system requirements, besides my video card...my video card is a Intel GMA 3100, and my question is. Will it be able to run rift? I'm supposed to be buying it in 45 minutes. Thanks.

Who moves on to second round in copa america?

Let's suppose that chile ties today, and brazil loses. does that open up the possibility for US, colombia and equador to still be in it? I'm too tired to do the math?

Are there alligators in the amazon river?

According to the book I read,some alligators live in the amazon river.But some alligators do not live in the Amazon river.I hope this is the right answer!!!

What would be a good name for me and my friends ;BUSINESS'?

If you are simply selling cheap necklaces why do you need a business name? You don't actually plan on incorporating do you?

Do you think this guy likes me?

Hmmm... I think he could like you but you didn't give enough specific about him. you said enough about how your friends acted, but not really much on him. If he's the type of guy that talks to a lot of girls then he most likely doesn't like you. If he is more of a reserved person there is more of a chance that he likes you, but it could also just be that your a good friend of his. I'm thinking he probably does like you because he found the situation awkward when people were saying you two were dating. Btw good luck.

Was John F. Kennedy justified in bringing the U.S. and the Soviet Union to the brink of nuclear war?

I don't think Kennedy brought the nuclear weapons to Cuba, that was the Russians. And it was they who pointed them at the US. And it was Kennedy who didn't respond with violent action. Can you imagine if he would have developed a "fight them there so we don't fight them here" attitude? We would have had a nuclear war.

Prounciations in British English?

I have just found out that St. James (or is it St. John?) is pronounced "Sinjin" in British English. I'm appalled and surprised I did not know this before as I graduated with a Brit Lit degree from an Ivy League university and had no idea it was pronounced this way. Can anyone tell me the history behind this and does this refer to peoples' names or does it include actual saints, place names, etc. If you would include any other examples of this type I'd appreciate it (such as why is "Ruthven" pronounced "Rivvin"). I just find this fascinating.

What i have had when i was 12?

When i was 12 years old, this boy who was in my homeroom cl name chris was the cuties boy in the cl. All the girl wanted to have with him. When there was a day day when i needed help with math he cme over and help me. My parents went to go see a movie and my 10 year old brother was out with his friends. So we were home alone in my room study.He stared to flirt with me and i flirt back, then we stared to kissing and then boom when the began he took of my shirt and bra.I took off his shirt, pants and under wears. All you can see was my and his pinis. He liked my ches and the other part as well i suck his pinis like it was a banana. when the was over i put the covers on ches and he did as well. We both just kissed each other. When we went back to school the at the school were made because they didn't get to have with him, but i did. 2 week past and i stared to get sick could i be pregnant?

Where does meiosis occur in angiosperms? and where does meiosis occur in animals like us?

in us its in the germline cells. so in the overies and testes in mammals and in the anthers and overies of plants. I don't know abput angiosperms though - could be the spores?

What are some of the Romanticism elements of inson's "Because I could not stop for Death"?

I'll start you off with one. There is the emphasis on an individual perspective while presenting something as universally common as "death." See how inson personifies him and gives him a personal relationship with her? To say "death stopped for me", shows this. This likewise shows the supremacy of the individual imagination as ultimate critical authority, a common element in Romanticism.

How do monarchies dissapear in some countries which has presidential system now?

These countries have a referendum to abolish the monarchies. Or they have military coup that over takes the country and force the royal family out of these countries

Dallas fans:dirk nowitzki out?

im soooooo angry!!!!!!!! is this the end for the mavericks...this is crazzy!? and they are closer to the lottery than the play offs...this is horrbile..and if dirk is done for the season, thats it, no more dallas..

Guy Advice: Does he hate me?

Sounds like hes cool with you and he does kinda like you but if you don't want to date he's alright with it but he wouldn't mind dating your pretty much running the relationship :)lol.

Ion is indicated based on this test?

Dimethylglyoxime is used to detect nickel ions NI2+ in solutions. Nickel forms red precipitate with dimethylglyoxime.

Is there any other way for me to make a ps3 account?

is there any other possible way for me to make a ps3 account? my ps3 doesnt let me make any more (the ps3 used to belong to my cousin) it just keeps saying that the maximum has been reached for this system or something like that and also the site is still down for maintenence or something so i cant use that either. so can someone plz tell me what to do now? thanks

Does removing the AR's out of a nerf maverick really make a significant difference?

Well, yes and no. It will give the Maverick a little more power and removing the posts on top of the AR will allow you to use Stefans. It also make a better noise, more of crack than the usual dull thud. The clear Mavericks seem to work best (tighter seals)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My computer keeps restarting... says 'CLPNP.SYS' is the problem on blue screen..?

I searched it and the result has 3... 'cl pnp' i don't know whether to delete or not, cos it could ruin mmy comp... whichh files do i delete.. what can i do.. how do i fix itt??

The Dark Knight Ending?

Can somebody please explain the ending to the movie? I saw the movie and I know that Batman is taking the blame for Harvey Dent's stuff. So are the cops now chasing Batman and the city is turning against him? Can somebody please explain?

Why don't people report the good things Geogre Bush has done?

He also re-established housing for the homeless. He appointed a director to the department helping the homeless, the previous administration neglected for 8 years. More homeless people now have a residence than ever before. He also disposed of one of the most murderous dictators in history.

Is Obama a detractor/misleader?

Wow here the Liberals go again. Talking about the past. They don't see us reffering to Clinton as much as they do to bush.. It seemed like it was do or die.. I mean not all of it has been spent yet.. And the most it is doing is building roads or bridges in towns, nothing more.

What was life like in the 1930's?

I'm going to wright a book in the era of the 1930's (Yes, I know its in the desperation)and i need to know every-thing about the 1930's, what was life like for both male and female, lower cl and upper cl. fashion ect. please help thankyou :)

Why does the WWE seemingly not push the black wrestlers when it comes to the WWE Championship belt?

I am fully convinced about this, and before you give me your answers consider this. Firstly, other than The Rock (which we'll get to in a sec), no black person has ever won the WWE championship. Also, no black person other than Booker T has won the World Heavyweight Championship. There have been 4 ECW champions. However, the black wrestlers do get the IC and USA belts quite frequently. I just want to know if there is something wrong with the writers, or do they think that black wrestlers can't carry the company? Also, about the Rock...He's a legacy. His father and grandfather both wrestled for the company so he had to get a large push.

How do you beat and make the S go away on Biker Salesman on GTA: Liberty City Stories?

I try to beat it by selling 40 bikes (ten of each) in the avenging angels outfit or whatever, and after i get 40 it doesn't say i've ped it? Then the S is still there like I haven't beat the mission and I don't think I can go on to another mission/island until I beat. Help?

A dream about my toddler niece & a ghost?

Last nite I had a dream that my niece was sitting on a bed by herself and she started waving at something and then she became really scared so i grabbed her and took her to where the rest of our family was. she was unbelieveably scared. in the dream we were in a hugh scare leaky dark dim place but being with my family made it seem 100% better. ive been like a mother for my niece she has a mother but shes young and selfish and talks about herself constently... please help me find out what this dream could possibly mean.. oh yeah i couldnt see the ghost in my dream but i knew it was there.

How often do you put pomade in your hair for 360 waves?

hey i am a waver and i just wanted to to know when to put in hair grease because i use olive creme so lke every other day or every two days and complete seps when to brush wen to put grease everything


ok lets say we have 2 & 3/4 well what u do is is multiply 2 and 4 and add 3. it's very simple. when you want to find out which fraction is bigger you need to find a common denominator. ok so 7/8 and 12/24. well both denominators go into the number 24. since 12/24 already has 24 as a denominator there's nothing to be done here. for 7/8 you multiply both ends by 3. so 7*3 and 8*3. (3 because 8*3=24. it only matters if the denominator equals 24) so then you get 21/24. obviously 12/24 is bigger. i wrote a lot but it's reaaaaally easy TRUST ME. READ IT CAREFULLY.

PICS!!! How did. . .?

LOL You goofball she wasnt on a diet she wasnt eating. Are you just in denial about everything in life? She looks gross. Her fitness was putting on her shoes.

If you freeze soda (fresh) completely then thaw it out completely will it still be carbonated?

By reducing a liquid's temperature, you increase the amount of gas that it can hold. Therefore the gas will remain in the liquid. When it thaws, the amount of gas the liquid can hold will be reduced but it will not become supersaturated so the gas will still be there. To get rid of the gas in a carbonated beverage, heat it up and stir it to agitate it. The gas will escape. The hotter you heat it, the more gas will escape.

I have an overnight transit in Kuwait, is there a hotel in Kuwait airport, do Indians require transit visa?

If you are holding a valid GCC residence permit then does not required a transit visa to enter Kuwait. Otherwise required for Indian pport holders.

Tramp Stamp, Slag Tag WHATEVER?

i think like anything that is extremely popular, people get "sick" of them and they get a bit of a reputation, because alot of girls have them their, people think of a name for them, lame really, i think some are quite nice, though some are a bit tramp stampy

Country music "alcohol" poll?

who can name songs with some type of alcohol in the title? (whiskey lullaby, beer run, etc...) 10 points to whoever comes up with the most! No cheating by using my examples now :)

Did anyone watch jo's crocodile tears this morning who is she trying to kid it would seam she is an actress

She didn't show any remorse in her Davina interview, neither did Danielle. When they were showing Jo and Danielle being rude to Shilpa Danielle was laughing... As for Jo, I don't like her either. And all these 'panic attacks' she is claiming to have had in the house is a joke, it's like she's trying to justify her bullying through medical aliments. And she's acting all depressed, yeah I'm sure it was mentally hard for her to bully Shilpa and act like a complete Waynetta Slob with her greasy hair and scraggy bathrobe.

10 mega pixels to vga photos?

i want to send photos of 10meba pixel photos through email.but it takes much time.to minimise time iwant .

Should I be upset or should I let it go?

I think you need to distance yourself from her. Just because you're related doesn't mean you have to be best friends. It seems she is depressed in some way and she is just out to push you down all the time. You sound like a nice girl who cares about other people's feelings a little more than you should. You should try to care about yourself a little more. You're worth it :o) Best of luck to you.

Why do are female celebrities more pressured to be "y"?

OMG! i know.. i agree with you 100%! I am a HUGE Hilary Duff fan and i was SHOCKED when i saw a clip of War Inc on the tv.. i was like "That can not be Hilary!" she would never dress like that.. but it was.. and its awkward that her character is an "over ed" pop star.. she never did a "R" rated film before.. it's going to be weird for me because i'm so used to her being in PG or G movies.. lol

Why do different religions experience the SAME spiritual experience?

Ok, so I grew up Christian and my love for Jesus Christ led me to learn more about how my religion is the "right one". However, I got a little confused because as I started to conduct my own research about other religions and history of religions etc. I realized that all religions carried a similar formula mathematically. Although the belief & God are different the end result is similar. They all almost mirror each other. How can two different religions experience a "spiritual experience" if there is only "one" God. I've personally never had one even though I was deep into the church and prayer etc. Sometimes I wonder if it's just a state of mind and delusions/illusions of the mind. It's like when someone drinks juice & they were fooled to believe there is alcohol in there and they think they are drunk until you tell them there really was no alcohol in there. Almost every person that claims a near-to-death experience sees whomever their God is so if there is only one God why does everyone see their God? Is it just an illusion as you're losing consciousness? There is no way to disprove or credit what is going on inside a person's mind and what they are saying. Anyone can fake anything and there is no way to prove it; likewise, someone can have a true experience and there is no way to prove it. Can it be just an illusion? I'm not judging or looking to offend anyone I'm just really disappointed.

How can I stack a layer cake if the layers are round at the top?

I bought a box of cake mix and baked it in two 9-inch pans. I just took them out of the oven, and they're all puffy and weird-shaped. I tried pushing the top down so it'd flatten out, but it poofed back up! So like am I supposed to glue the two round sides together with frosting? Or like one round side to a flat side? Or should I chop off the roundish part so it's flat? I've never baked cake before, mostly just brownies and cookies, so I'm new at this. I'm baking myself a birthday cake, cuz baking's fun. I turned 13 today. Woo-hoo! Okay, can someone help me?

I been Feeling pain in my back-female?

I am 14 year old girl. U know where that part under your belly. I have been having pains down there and around my back. I think its gas. Lately I have been pooping and farting alot, and I dot know whats wrong

Jews- How do you feel about synagogue membership fees?

I have never heard of a Shul that would not work with you in regards to dues. It is always extremely confidential. Talk to someone from membership an explain your situations. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.


a href="http://www.roxy.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3535814&cp=2818167.2909028" rel="nofollow"http://www.roxy.com/product/index.jsp?pr…/a

What world do you see after the storm?

The Law of Cycles and the Law of Constant Renewal are in place enabling man to bend with the changing times and seasons within himself. God above and gods below and yet everything transpires within. There is beauty in nature’s calm and violence that poets and madmen see. Overall it was a deeply spiritual piece intended for the interior listener.

What do YOU think will happen in 2012? A.K.A Dooms year?

Its a hoax. The 2012 doomsday is all made-up, bogus arguments recycled from previous doomsday scenarios that didn't work out.

Advice on weight loss?

the main point of lose weight is eating less calorie you burn up each day healthy or not the calorie matter the most eat 1600 calorie on days you don't workout and days you do workout eat 1900 to 2100 depending on how hard you train 1900 is the less 2100 is the most if you don't want lose muscle than hi protein and carb low fat diet good luck

Who is responsible for clearing pavements?

With the advent of an icy winter in most parts of the UK and doesn't look to give up soon , some people are camplaining that local authorities have ignored minor roads and street pavements by not salting them. I have some sympathy with the councils , who try their level best to treat our thoroughfares. Years ago , the community used to come out and clear snow as soon as it had finished..... in today's world , does this mean selfishness ans someone to blame?

Vegitarian dish for company! help!

Go to papa murphy's and ask for their Gourmet Vegetarian pizza. Or make a vegetarian lasagna...that's really yum

Was My Boyfriend Lying To Me?

Today me and my boyfriend of 6 months were texting each other as usual. He was out at a pub with his family. Then he says to me that his charge is running low and could he text me when he gets back home (presumably after its charged) and i said yes of course. Then 2/3 hours later he texts me how i am and all that then I ask him what hes doing at the moment and he says still at the pub. That's when I get a little suspicious. Then I tell him, but I thought your charge was low and he didn't reply until 10 minutes later, saying no, it was finishing but it seems to be lasting now. Then he started getting stressy after a couple more texts saying that I was accusing him of lying. Maybe I was but I don't know. Do you think he was lying to me or could there be a possible explanation? Maybe im just overthinking things to much.

How can I get sirius online radio to work?

I have a mac and i've been using sirius radio online for maybe 2 months now and all of a sudden it doesnt work. I looked at the FAQ on the sirius website and i downloaded the latest version of flash & flip4mac. Why wont it work?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Good lines/lyrics from songs?

I need good lines from indy/acoustic bands.I would prefer a positive line about life, it can be abstract. Throw out any ideas though, negative or positive...from any band!Just give me some good ideas, this is for my tattoo (soon to come).

Do you think Brett Farve will retire?

I don't think that Brett Farve will retire because he never does. When you think about it, no quarterback would ever let his last play be an interception. He will lead whatever team he is on next year to the superbowl.

Old movie title (1930-1950 movie)?

There is an old movie, I dont have a lot of information, I saw it a month ago, and dont remember the name. All i can remember is how there was a young woman (niece or servant) and she lived with an older woman and she found out about a fortune in the fireplace and, there was something to do with a gentleman her age who got in on her idea to take the fortune. Thats all the information I can remember now.

Cub Scouts and Pinewood Debry Races?

We were just informed that my son will be going on to our distict derby race. What can we expect there? Does he use the same car or does he need to build a new one? If he is using the same car, can he work on it more so it will run faster?

Narnia and LOTR clothing influence?

Okay, so I'm trying to find out what time period the Narnia and Lord of the Rings clothing came from. What did they? Were they influenced by the 1400's or what? I need to know!! Or even just the fantasy genre that has the same clothing style as these movies/books? Where can I find names for these clothing styles, when were these worn, and possibly an image gallery of this clothing style? Please help !!

Does anybody nowwhere i can find jordin sparks version of big girls dont cry?

i heard on z100 that fergie origionally didnt want that song and sold it to bad boys and jordin jordin recorded it and loved it but when fergie heard it she took it back i want to hear it really bad doesanybody know where i can hear it?

Why do you stay with Freecycle?

I ask as my last question is closed. I would like former freecycle owners to answer this. As a former freecycle owner, 3 groups, we left due to rule changes that happened daily. Also the the have to live in the area to be an owner or mod. Alot of owners and mods do not even live in the same state much less towns. And the person who said our astroturf groups are flourishing is nuts. My 3 astroturfed groups have very few members and most of them are ones we removed due to their want lists being enormous. Keeping items from a landfill does not mean asking for a new house, car, complete setups for your 6th baby. I can , if you want it privately, give you links to my astro turf replacement groups. 99% are WANT's. There are so much better alternatives to freecycle. And to bad the volunteer mods and owners never saw or will see a dime of the money deron and his wife and friend get from sponsors. Taking money to fund freecycle. Why? He doesn't run the groups and yahoo groups are free.

What Do You Think Obama Was Saying When He Scolded Chavez?

Did you see that video with no sound of Obama aggressively scolding Chavez? He was in his face- pointing even touching Chavez with his finger , Chavez not saying a word and the interpreter looked in awe- Wonder what the heck Obama said too him? Whatever it was- I don't think Chavez was too happy? Unless they have known each other for years already and Chavez did something they didn't agree on doing? The video was on O'Reilly last night- don't know if its on the internet yet anywhere? Anyone have a link of it?

Are the Supreme Court/House of Lords more mighty than god?

God is still relevant to those who honor Him and will also hold them accountable no matter what they think. Individually we are to follow God and not man.

Use the de Broglie relationship to determine the wavelengths of the following objects.?

a href="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AnG4atBpky9nD_x0hPAnwSAjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20101117032022AAFqFsU"http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;…/a

Why is my 5 year old granddaughter so scared, she wont sleep alone?

i take the dogs out and she hide in the bathroom. when i let the dogs out im just outside the kitchen door, and she right here in the open concept kitchen/family room. she wont even go play in her beautiful room by herself.she has every thing in it that she want big three story doll house,that she never play with. she live with me, i kinda think when she lived with her mother, she watched to many scary movies. It is really starting to bother me, because i keep trying to explain to her its nobody in the house but me her and papa. when she did sleep in her room a couple times she had my husband sleep on her floor and he did it like a fool. who should i talk to im tired of her in my bed. im not going to make her sleep in her room, because to watch her i know someone or something has scared her. Any ideas?

ALittle Head?

A bartender and a patron were having a random conversation when in walks a guy with an extremely small head(about the size of a fist) So the patron asks the bartender"Geesh, what happened to that poor guys head?" The bartender replies "Poor guy, he was walking along the beach a few years ago, when he came upon what he thought was a Magic Lamp." the bartender continues,"He picked up the lamp and began rubbing it and out pops a genie. The genie told him that she would grant him only one wish........ So the guy takes a good look at the genie and notices just how attractive she is...... Now he's turned on and starts to get an errection........... So he grabs his crotch and and asks the genie "How about a little head"...................................…

What happend to the jailbreakme.com website?!! trying to jailbreak my iphone 3gs and unlock it.?

jailbreakme.com is under construction right now to update their software to support the new iPhone firmware 4.0.2. And iTunes 9.2.1 just give them some time and it should be up and running again soon. I have jailbroken several phones through them and haven't been let down yet

If you were going to fix up the archetypical "smart woman" with a blind date, who do you choose?

Think of the Goddess Athena, sprung from Zeus' head, virgin genius, motherless daughter, likes to wear armor. Known more for her intellect and strategies than her beauty though attractive, too, in an intense, introverted and aloof way. Who would make a good match for this archetypical woman?

Your daily hilarious joke from Mr. K do you like it?

A little boy and a little girl were sitting at the kitchen table with their Mom. The little girl said "Mom I want to change my name to Dora the Explorer." Mom smiled and said "You can do that when you are an adult." The girl seemed satisfied with this happened. Then the little boy said "I want to change my name to ." The Mom again said "You can do that when you are an adult." The boy frowned. Mom said "What's wrong?" He replied "Sally in my first grade homeroom said she wants to kiss some and I want to kiss her."

What should I do......? Please help me!!! <3?

I am a freshman in high school this year, and I really like this sopre that is in my math cl. We have to sit on opposite sides of the room, but our teacher does change the seating chart often. My friends older brother is very good friends with him, but the guy I like (let's call him Max) is considered popular within the high school. He's not like all the others though...he is smart, nice, and outgoing. I'm pretty shy around people I don't know, especially guys, and I have a few friends who are 'popular' but I'm not really somebody who everyone knows. I'm just wondering how I should get to know Max more? It seems like it would be a little awkward to just get up and talk to him before school in math (both of our homerooms as well) while he is talking to his other sopre friends. Please help me! I don't want him to necessarily know that I like him yet...I just want to start off as friends. :) Any advice would be soo helpful! Thank you so much <3 (Haha, I know I already posted this question, but I'm hoping to get more answers if I post it a couple times :)

Why can't ALL wars be as trivial as this one?

You are right. The world be a much better place if all we had to argue over were cupcakes. All we would have to be concerned with are cupcakes of m destruction, cupcake terrorist, and cupcake battles.. A cupcake war, this is so freakin' silly and is not worthy of making the news.

Should affirmative action even be legal?

It just seems wrong to let race or gender play a part in selecting candidates for jobs and school. It was useful at one time when racism and ism was rampant but now I don't see the need for it. I would support measures to give consideration to those who grew up poor and underpriveliged but not based on race or gender. What are your thoughts?

Did you know that Margaret Sanger and Martha Burk ( Planned Parenthood ) were members of the KKK?

So were Robert Byrd former (now dead thank God) Democrat Senator and Strom Thurmmond, Bill Clinton's mentor (according to ol' slick willie)

Does McCain go anywhere without Cindy?

Not since he started his affair with her while he was married to his first wife. Where is all that moral outrage from the conservative talking heads?

Boyfriend and I having problems with choosing how to raise kids on beliefs?

My boyfriend and I have been together since the end of March, we love each other very much and want to get married and have children some day. He strongly believes in evolution (but to where God started it) and I believe in creation (I am a Christian). We were talking about how we would raise our kids, I said I would tell our child about creationism and evolutionism, and would tell him/her why I believe in creation, but not evolution. My boyfriend said he would do the same, but he said if our child says they don't believe in evolution and don't have good, solid proof answers, he will tell our child why evolution is (to him) true until he/she believes it (he's very stubborn), he says if they stump him with a good reason why they don't believe in it then he will let them be, but he say's he's going to push them down to the needle to believe in Evolution. I would like my children to be Christians, but I'm not going to push it on them. My question is, is there any way my boyfriend and I can work this out? I love him so much and I don't want to lose him.

Police officers as expert witness....are tire skid marks a clue that your drunk?

A police officer as an expert witness, based on her 5 years of experience working traffic patrol and arresting drunk drivers. As an expert witness, the officer will testify that, in her opinion, defendant was extremely intoxicated and beyond the legal limit for drinking and driving. Even though the defendant never took any blood or breath test, the officer bases her opinion on the skid marks that defendant's vehicle left in the road, and the results of the field sobriety test that the officer administered to the defendant after the accident.

Hey Gwen Stefani Fans, Please Help Me!!!?

The song "Serious" was never released as a single. They DID film a full-length video for it. I know the choreographer, Sho-Tyme, who was present for the filming. He used to have pics from the video shoot on his MySpace page (link below) but I'm not sure if they are still there - I don't have time to check right now. Anyway the "Serious" music video was directed by Sophie Muller who has been the director for a lot of Gwen Stefani and No Doubt music videos. She was also the director for the Harajuku Lovers Live DVD. They originally intended to add the "Serious" vid as a bonus feature on the DVD. I'm not sure why they didn't but that was the reason a music video was made. It was going to be a little something extra for the fans. That's why it's not a big, fancy video. It looks pretty basic compared to the videos for the other singles from Gwen's solo albums. Maybe it will appear in a future DVD?

Any Pararescue Jumpers out there or those who have insight on their training?

sounds like you're doing the right things. just do more of them. from what I understand, PJ's are like, the baddest thing evuh! they train with SEALS for part of their training. good luck to you. hope we never have to meet. ;)

HGV driver driving dangerously towards motorcyclists, should i report him.?

Bikers threaten big truck drivers, maybe cos your out for fun and he is stuck in his sweat cabin for less money than someone at woolies makes. You should definately report him as he may do worse to the next rider.

Are these the 3 steps for elections?

first party convention, this is where a party meats nominates and chooses a representative, general election is where people go vote to the polls. the final step is the electoral college in the senate where each state gets certain amount of votes by population.

Roulette odds?

sorry, i was mistaken let me rephrase the question, what are the odds that one would play 9 numbers inside on a 38 roulette wheel and only hit one number in 55 spins? 1 in ????????????

What is an average time for a 100m individual medley?

Im a 13 year old girl and this is my first year competitively swimming. IMs are my favorite stroke and i was woundering what a good time would be so i have a goal to reach

Sunday, November 6, 2011

How to tell the kids mom i dont want to babysit her child anymore?

I got this babysitting job my moms friend has a son who is 3 and i have to babysitt him 3 times a week for 40 a day. I said yea i would babysitt bec i want to make it easy for the mom its during the summer but the kid doesnt listen to me and i hav to get up at 6 a.m and babysitt him until 8pm when his mom comes and gets him but the thing is its overnight and its starting to interfere with me going over to my dads house on the weekends and thats the problem bec i havent seen my dad in a while because of the schedule. I dont want to wake up at 6 every other morning until 8 pm and i want to go to my dads house but the problem is he's bad and plus his ma took him out of the daycare he was in during the summer bec they charged alot. Now that i look at it i dont think im ready for that kind of responsibility (Im not asking for any sympothy) but i need to know what i should do because the only reason i'm doing it is becaudse of the money should i keep on doing the job or should i jus tell her no thank you and put her son back in the daycare because at the same time i did say i was gonna take this summer job. What should i do? PLZ HELP


I really doubt you'll get your admission revoked. No one can tell you for certain what will happen, but you need to remember that many people get senioritis. Colleges tend to take that in consideration with the final grade report. I doubt you'll get into the honors program, but the school itself should be safe. Just do well this semester. Hope I helped.

How much is this piece of art worth?

For this to be worth something it has to be an original. Be sure it's not a print. You can feel and see the difference. Does it look like a poster, is it glossy? Does the surface feel smooth, does the paper feel like one of those department store stock? yes means it's a print.

Why are electron microscopes able to resolve much greater than light microscopes?

Electron microscope used electromagnetic radiation and can obtain magnification upto 1 million times compared to a light microscope. The greater resolution and magnification of the electron microscope is because the de Broglie wavelength of an electron is much smaller than that of a photon of visible light.

Why Did Newt Gingrich Lose His Mind When President Obama Shook Hands With Hugo Chavez?

He lost his mind years ago when Clinton made him sit in the back of Air Force One on a trip. Big, egotistic baby.

Can a fight between a tall model like woman and several men be made realistic?

the idea of the fight seen is unrealistic but the action dose not have to be. just have one kick you in the crotch fall down for a few minutes. and grab your crotch. then get up and let them hit you in the . double over for a few. then try and get them spread out so you are only fighting one guy at a time. i would buy the movie. i see the trolls are out in force. you can always tell when great answers get thumbs down

I need some bluegill sunfish info.?

i caught a small 1 inch bluegill and i wanna know what they should eat and how long do they grow and if they can be kept in a 20 gallon tank with a few ornaments and no more fish, and are they peaceful or aggressive

I need some fake hair extintions?

my freinds at my school always wear those fake hair extintions, and i wanted to know wear to get some. Im in 8th grade and i have medium wavy brown hair, but i straighten it. I dont really like going into Hot Topic. I live somewhere around Plymouth, Michigan (dont want to give the exact place). And i want to know how much they cost. (PLZ ANSWER BEFORE JUNE 4TH PLZ!! =])

Do dog have menopause?

They can't go through menopause as they do not menstruate. They go into heat/season/estrus, which is the exact opposite as having a period. Any b*tch will continue to go through the estrus cycle until death, unless it's spayed.

Why is affirmative action used in the same sentence as civil rights or equal opportunity?

Affirmative action has nothing to do with equality, and it ain't civil. It is an attempt to compensate for prior injustices by creating another. It is blatant reverse discrimination. It is also a system that rewards mediocrity. Asians, who are minority, don't get affirmative action because they study hard and succeed. But if you're black or latino, it's basically ok not to try hard because "you're a victim of establishment". How pathetic must this nation become before people wake up and realize the insanity?

Why are the users of IMDB (Internet Movie Database) so hard to please?

I'm a user of IMDB but I don't why the other users are so difficult to please. They usual overrate or underrate a movie. I mean on it's Top 250 list there are a lot of films I've never seen or heard of. Though it does have movies like Inception, The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, the Pixar films, Avatar, Aliens and Terminator 1 and 2. But I wish more films I really love like Iron Man (1 and 2), The Chronicles of Narnia, The Karate Kid (1984) Predator and a few of the Harry Potter movies. The latest Harry Potter movie was on the list for a while but eventually was knocked off by the users.

Iwant to lose 130 pounds by the end of this year?

i really want to lose weight . am taking phermin diet pills 37.5 not sure if they will work what else can i do

Can anyone answer these questions about David Tennants last dr who episode?

Like the other person said. Also I think the Master was locked in the time war with the other timelords, probably left it open ended so that they can find a way to bring the master back.

What does the future look like for a language learner?

You can be a translator, the most money is a translator of books, stories, articles. You can get the MFA degree in this actually. You have to know 3 languages one being the English if you wish to do it. Also I manage to get rich American husband from learning the English ;)

I wanted to know if James likes me?

There is this kid James in my grade, and there are these rumors going around and we are both getting embarred he denies that he likes me. and then gets red. I like him extremely. Hes in all my cles and he stares really obviously. And in homeroom people come to us with funny rumors.I wanted to know if you think he likes me. thanx!

Get more horsepower out of a 351 Windsor engine?

If you do a lot of hwy. driving you could install hotter burning plugs,if most of your driving is city then you would want a colder spark plug. Another thing to do is remove the engine driven fan and replace it with an electric fan,that would give you about six H.P. more. Those are just a couple of inexpensive things that can be done,but there is a lot more you can do at a much greater cost and labor.

What ever happened to Rudy from the Cosby Show?

all of ya'll saying she's on that's so raven is wrong. she's talking about Keshia whatever her last name is. Raven played Olivia.

Is this essment correct about me?

Your willingness to admit you are a sinner offends those who refuse to admit the same. Makes people uncomfortable so they attack you. There was nothing arrogant or bigoted about your statement. . .you obviously just struck a nerve with someone. And by the way, I'm not afraid to admit my sins either. . .in my weakness, He is Strong and He turns my failures to victories. He's AWESOME. :)

Fastest way to get rid of Diarrhea and Stomach akes? NEED QUICK ANSWERS !!!!?

just sips of cooled boiled water , no food for 12 to 24 hours depending if the problem still lasts.& then something light like toast with scrambled egg when the diarrhoea stops....................

Why does iodine, saliva and water mixed together turn yellow? please help!!!!!!!?

When starch (white/clear) is mixed with iodine (yellow), the two react and appear dark purple. When simple sugars are mixed with iodine, there is no reaction. If you mixed pure starch with water, let it sit for 1/2 hour at body temperature then added iodine, the solution would turn purple. If you mixed pure starch with a little water and some saliva, let it sit for 1/2 hour at body temperature then added iodine, the solution would appear yellow. Explain why, naming all products, reactants, and any other substances that are involved.

Felix maranades addiction problems ?

what is in this felix maranade my cats will eat nothing but this food my cats are both 5 yrs old , around xmas time we bought these maranades while they were on special and now they will eat nothing else tryed every food possible , i really think there is some sort of addicted substance in these any one else ?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Is it possible to make my xp look like vista safely and for free?

hi all at the min iv got xp sp2 but would like it to look like vista but without actuallty buying vista ive got a emachine 3230 pentium4 2.8 cpu speed 1gb ram and a 4200 nividia graphics card ive herd some freeware programs work but some come with glitches shall we say ive herd some briopacks work and r safe and dont slow your machine down too much and if poss would like it to have the 3d flip like ultimate and the side bar too thanks for your advice

Need help with blood types 10 points best answer?

i'm pretty sure that the rh factor shouldn't be in the same punnet square as the IA, IB or i. What blood type is your mom?

Does anyone know about "jungle rot"?

a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropical_ulcer" rel="nofollow"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropical_ul…/a


Ok So i have a good credit score but i keep getting denied for any big credit card company and the only way to raise my credit score is to get a major credit card. are the credit card companys stupid they hard inquiry my credit dropping my score even more how am i supposed to get a credit card to raise my score if every time i apply it lowers my score?

How do you control anxiety towards your relatives visiting?

This is probably something I need a doctor for, but about four months ago, my in-laws made a bi-weekly habit of visiting my husband and me at our house. I was given very little notice and felt very stressed and under a lot of pressure to hurry up and clean for them. I am very into giving good impressions and coming off as a perfectionist. It harms me now to the extent that I think I must clean the house daily to prepare for their next visit, even though they haven't visited in 3 months. I spoke to my husband about their visiting so often and they altogether stopped visiting (I"m not sure if I'm the reason why or not). I live in fear with anxiety that they will come to my house and that I have no control over who visits. It doesn't help that I do not like my in-laws. They have said very hurtful things about me, tried to undermine me as a new parent and in general, into our married lives way too much. I feel so sad that I've become reduced to this, but I really want some inspiration or help. Any suggestions?

Plan to drive Boston to Cape Cod on Labor Day. Will this be OK - I ume, going AGAINST the traffic flow?

Going down via Weymoth & Plymouth. How far onto the peninsula can you, feasibly, take a car? Should the worst of the holiday traffic be going the other direction, leaving us pretty free the rest of that week?

Differences between the the reformation and the renaissance to the enlightenment and scientific revolution.?

a href="http://reviewmaterials.tripod.com/history/g10_renaissance_scientific.html" rel="nofollow"http://reviewmaterials.tripod.com/histor…/a

Was the earth hit by an asteroid 65 million years ago?

Actually, it was 65,000,002 years ago. I know, because I asked a scientist 2 years ago, and he said then that it happened 65 million years before then.

Good site for Algorithms and Datastructure?

Hi, does anybody knows a good website for NEWBIES in Algorithms and Datastructure? (more specifically about trees, sorting and hashing)

Is there a possibility of me growing more?

I am about 15 1/2 years old, female, and around 5'5, 5'6. I know im not technically supposed to be growing that much more but heres the thing: I have size 10 feet and ginourmous hands. No those werent typos. I am a size 10 and my hands are so big that i can reach 11 keys on the piano with one hand. Thats about an octave and a half. And yet, im short. I want to be tall so badly! is there a possibility of me growing more? if so, how much?

Trade for another solid receiver?

I don't really know if you need desperately to make this trade. I think you just see the deadline looming. You know that you can start Fitz, White, and Colston most weeks and Jackson with a good matchup. I call Jackson your insurance already and Fitz, Colston, and White your starters. If you feel safer, I would try giving him Jackson. Shoot, you could even give him Jackson AND Grant : ) It would make your decisions at running back easier and both those guys are underproducing.

Rate my Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Team! Please?

well your team is OK i don't really feel like reading and looking and telling you some mistakes but two i can tell you off hand is get rid of tyranitars sandstorm his special ability should make a sandstorm start anytime hes in battle so that's a wasted move also get rid of kyorgers sheer cold eventually you ll fight people stronger than you and its also not very accurate so it wont always work ans maybe get rid of surf and waterfall now that i think about it surf can hurt your own Pokemon unless you have a Pokemon with the special ability of dry skin or u use protect or something and waterfall on a very strong Pokemon seems like a waste to me man i keep looking at you team yeah cuts a waste for groudon you want moves that reflect your Pokemon's types and look towards whats stronger there special attack or physical attacks and getting moves that are there type like for instance fire or ground for groudon and giving him a move that can be a physical ground or fire attack cause he will get a boost and cause even more damage sorry to tell you that your team is like maybe a 2 out of 5 you have strong Pokemon but your wasting there talents with useless moves

What's the worst betrayal?

Whats the worst form of betrayal you have faced, heard from people or even done to someone yourself?

What does it mean when u have a spiral aura?

my friend can see auras and she said mine is like spirals and not normal its always like that unless im tired on the brink of sleeping. 2 of my other friends had spiral auras 4 less than a minute and my mom has 1 too although my friend only saw my moms once

How badly does Ann Coulter need attention? Conservatives-do you REALLY like her representing your emblage?

What a dispicable sneary pompus sbag she is. Ive met John Edwards and he a really nice guy, theres no need for that it wasnt funny or entertaining.

Please i need you answer now,hurry?

The Chris Angel I know is an illusionist. Yes he has Mindfreak. He does things you'd think can't be done. Magicians can tell you his secrets. Your question wasn't silly. You want to have something to say to her, actually hi should start it, then just go with the flow, but I understand you want more. Just be yourself, you don't have to impress anyone but you in this life.